Today I'm going to say sorry to everyone (I know of) that I've done wrong to. Because I didn't been it when I wrote a sorry nearly a year ago, but I do now so:
- Sorry, Varick for offending your religion and 'invading' Spanionte
- Sorry for offending anyone's religion
- Sorry, MW community for being an arse
- Sorry, Harsh for doing what ever I did to you
- Ditto to Joseph and Trace
- Sorry, Lo for calling you Loth, thinking your to bossy and being a massive 'richard' to you.
- Sorry, Orange for 'invading' Asermia
- Sorry, Saxon people for claiming Domus
- Sorry, Wikia for a classified reason
- Sorry, if I've missed you out
- Sorry if I complained about you 'stealing' my 'idea'
- Sorry for doing something wrong
- Sorry for this misleading title