The Novanglia National Soccer Team or NNST is the team that repent Kingdom of Novanglia in the international event for soccer/football. The team is made up form players form the Novanglia Soccer League.
- 7 March 2018, New Rizalia @ NYNST W 3-5
- April 12, Novanglia Vs Vlasynia, W 1-0
- April 13, Novanglia Vs San Cristobal W 1-0
- April 14, Novanglia Vs Alanland L 1-2
- Novanglia 0-3 Holy Empire of Nirfo
- The Holy Empire of Nirfo 1-2 Novanglia
- Goat Island 1-2 Novanglia
- Novanglia 3-1 Goat Island
Competitive Record[]
2018 Microcup[]
I.F.F MicroSoccer Games 2018 Westfield[]
2nd places
Rank | Name | Points | Goal Difference |
1 | Alanland | 8 | 4 |
2 | Novanglia | 7 | 1 |
3 | Nirfo | 6 | 2 |
4 | San Cristobal | 5 | 1 |
5 | Ecxifort | 4 | 1 |
6 | Westfiled | 3 | -1 |
7 | New Rizalia | 2 | 0 |
8 | Vlasynia | 1 | -4 |
I.F.F MicroSoccerGames Season 2 - Alanland[]
2nd Place
Round 1 - 2 Highest Ranked Teams []
Leg | Name of Team | Score | Name of Opponent | Stadium |
1 | Novanglia | 0-3 | Holy Empire of Nirfo | Stelegiriots Stadium |
2 | The Holy Empire of Nirfo | 1-2 | New Yankeeland | Teroden Stadium |
3 | Republic of Nalmal | 1-3 | New Yankeeland | Teroden Stadium |
4 | Republic of Miuland | 1-2 | New Yankeeland | Teroden Stadium |
Round 2 - Other Teams []
Leg | Name of Team | Score | Name of Opponent | Stadium |
1 | Goat Island | 1-2 | New Yankeeland | Crompten Bay Arena |
2 | Novanglia | 3-1 | Goat Island | Stelegiriots Stadium |
1 | Vlasynia | 0-1 | Mexicana | Cuza National Stadium |
2 | Mexicana | 0-3 | Vlasynia | San Luis Arena |
1 | Titanist Union | 0-1 | Holloway | Zonoro Park |
2 | Holloway | 0-2 | Titanist Union | Pineview Stadium |
1 | San Cristobal | 3-1 | Agelonia | Complejo Deportivo Ginés Díaz |
2 | Agelonia | 1-1 | San Cristobal | Workers Stadium |
1 | Westfield | 2-0 | Western Cupboardia | South Westfield Stadium |
2 | Western Cupboardia | 0-0 | Westfiled | New Hallia Arena |
1 | New Rizalia | 2-0 | Ecxifort | Highland Province Stadium |
2 | Ecxifort | 0-2 | New Rizalia | Excifort City Stadium
Kits []
Home | Away |
Thank you to Alanland for making them.