MicroNations Fandom


Barslow aka, "The Republic of Barslow" is a micronation located in the southwestern corner of the United States of America. Barslow's relative landmass is 2,951 sq. feet, the country is a direct democracy with meetings online every month or two. Barslow is one of two countries in the Nerdania-Barslow Pact. The timezone in Barslow is Barslow Standard or MST+10. The Republic of Barslow regonizes all UN Countries, Vatican City, Kosovo, and Taiwan, Barslow reconizes all MTO countries, the currency is USD. Barslow is the founding country and part of the Micronation Treaty Organization. There are five cities in Barslow, Melbourne, Lodev, Edaqe, and Luluville and Ventura.

Become A Citizen: Citizenship Form


The Republic of Barslow was originally founded on December 7th, 2018, at least that is when they acquired land from a joke micronation. This however is not the official date because Barslow gained a new territory to the west of their current one on December 14th while leaving behind their old territory. On December 16th, Barslow claimed new land south of the current claim, the land size of Barslow was now 1333 sq. ft. The same day the capital, Edaqe was moved about 20 ft west of its current position. Two new roads were made on the 16th also, London Way and Weneben Rd. Later that day a new city was formed, Lodev in southern Barslow. On December 17th, Embassy Park was constructed at 3 London Way. On December 18th, Barslow became the founding member of the MTO. On December 21st, the Royal Police Force of Barslow (RPFB) was formed. Later, on January 13th, 2019 the older territory claimed on December 14th, 2018 was claimed once again, the territory would be known as Melbourne.

ICF Data (Initial Citizenship Form)

Population: 17 citizens

Reason for Citizenship: 6 for work, 4 for travel, 7 for other reasons

Gender: 10 male, 7 female

Age: 10 under 21, 4, 30-38, 3 Seniors (57 and above)


There are four cities in Barslow, Edaqe, Lodev, Melbourne, Luluville.


The smallest city in Barslow at 362 sq ft, although it is not connected to mainland Barslow.This city was actually founded before Edaqe, and before all of Barslow on December 7th.



The city is in charge of environmental protection and was was charge of the protection of Reeds National Forest. At 553 sq ft, it is the fourth city in Barslow. The green stripe on the flag represents the cities roots in nature, as the roots of the sunlit tree are going into the green.


The city is the capital and home to the government, almost all government agencies are located here. At 1234 sq ft it is the second largest city in Barslow. The city is currently controlled by the Barslonian Government. Edaqe has two main buildings Parliament or "The Shed" and "The Workshop" a storage room which used to be a workshop. The Shed is structurally unstable and therefore there has never been a parliament meeting in there.


This city is the second newest to be built, built on March 9th, 2019. The former governor Brandy(a dog) was replaced by an older dog, Lulu on May 5th, 2020, the same day an above ground pool was placed in the West side of Luluville in addition to the city being renamed to Luluville (formerly Bransax). The pool is half in Arizona, half in Barslow. The city has a size of 398 sq ft.


Ventura is the largest city in Barslow at 1,356 ft, almost all of it is indoors, 1302 ft to be exact. The city was founded on Wednesday, August 26th, and will be home to the proposed Barslow Mail and Department of Public Health.

Photos of Barslow

Abandoned Delegates Building

Edaqe, Barslow

Lodev's Main Square, DEP's headquarters is located under the tree Melbourne's Main Street


The government of Barslow has a prime minister who is elected by the Council Of Delegates, Currently there are 2 political parties in Barslow, there is the Libertarian Party of Nerds founded by the Nerdania politician, personnerdy, and the Liberal Party founded by Sarah. The Libertarian Party of Nerds, provide freedom, work with other micronations, and take away punishment from crimes with no victim. The Liberal Party wants to promote freedom and the lifestyle you choose, while providing basic social services for everyone (Healthcare, Education, Public Transit, Emergency Services, Child Care Programs). There is no sales tax or property tax in Barslow, as the economy is not existant.


Holiday Date
Foreign Relations Day January 1st
Celebration Day January 2nd
People's Day January 21st
Liberty Day February 18th
Pi Day March 14th
Memorial Day May 27th
Autumn Day September 14th
Nature Appreciation Day October 31st
Thanksgiving 3rd Thursday of November
Founding Day December 14th
Snowman Day December 24th

Government Agencies

Department of Environmental Protection (DEP)


1 Dutch London St. Lodev, Barslow

The department is in charge of making sure the environment of Barslow and surrounding areas are kept clean and healthy. They also make national parks and monuments such as Reeds National Forest.

Department of Foreign Relations (DFR)


3 Weneben Rd. Edaqe, Barslow

This department is in charge of gaining new allies and keeping allies. The Micronation Treaty Organization’s headquarters is located there.

Department of Immigration (DI)

1 Weneben Rd. Edaqe, Barslow

The Department of Immigration maintains citizenship forms, and ICF data, they also mark borders and are currently making passports.

Department of Defense (DOD)

2 Weneben Rd. Edaqe, Barslow

The Department of Defense manages the Barslow Defense Forces, and oversees the Police Force.

Department of Public Health (DPH)

In charge of issuing medical guidelines, specifically around the COVID-19 pandemic, as it was created during the pandemic.

Foreign Relations

Micronation Treaty Organization

The Republic of Barslow is a founding, and current member in the MTO, or Micronation Treaty Organization, a pact between 8 micronations.

Reformed Intermicronational Confederation

A large organization of micronations from across the world, Barslow became a member on May 5th, 2020, the organization features micronations such as the Federated States of Gapla and the Astovian Union.


Barslow's largest ally, they have attended/held many Micronational conferences, and fought alongside the BDF against "Orionville".


Standoff at Easternland

The mirconation, "Orionville" declared war on Nerdania, no Nerdanian official were present in the part of Nerdania at the time. Orionville threatened to overtake Nerdania, so the Barslonian Defense Forces were called by the Barslonian Embassy to Nerdania, they declared a state of unrest against Orionville, the two sides stood off at the border to Nerdania for about 10 minutes. The Barslonian government attempted to make peace several times, with even the Prime Minister coming to talk to Orionville officials, on the 7th attempt Orionville officials agreed to sign the Treaty of Easternland that stopped the standoff right then and there. After that, all was fine until Orionville officials started protesting infront of Barslonian embassy. The government responded by banning the government officials of Orionville from coming even close to the Embassy.

The Cutting of the Reed Forest

The Reed Forest was a small forest in Lodev, it ran parallel to London Way, it was the first national forest of Barslow. When Barslonian officials left the city to go and survey the new city of Saratoga, a company was hired to cut down the forest by a nearby American citizen.


London Way

  • longest road in Barslow at 58ft
  • runs through Edaqe and stops at Lodev

Royal Forces of Barslow Headquarters

  • located at 1 Weneben Rd.
  • home to the military and air force

Old Parliament Building

  • located at 4 London Way
  • structure has become unsafe due to not meeting proper building codes

Weneben Rd.

  • runs diagonally between Embassy Park and Reeds National Forest
  • 30ft long

Embassy Park

  • Nerdania Embassy is located here
  • located at 3 London Way

Department of Foreign Relations

  • located at 3 Weneben Rd.
  • MTO's headquarters is located here

Main St.

  • Runs through Melbourne
  • Only street in Melbourne

Wallville Rd.

  • Was the main road the Wallville
  • Was the main road in Nerdanian-West-Wallville and the now unicoporated town of Mycene

Luluville Pool

  • a massive vinyl pool set up on the edge of Luluville and Arizona
  • was constructed on March 5th, 2020