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Constitution of Khizerkhelist Sultanate e Isakhelistan[]


We, the people of the  Khizerkhelist Sultanate e Isakhelistan in order to establish justice, ensure tranquility, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do hereby enact and establish this Constitution.

Article I: Establishment of the Khizerkhelist Sultanate e Isakhelistan[]

Section 1: Name and Location

1. The name of this nation shall be the Khizerkhelist Sultanate e Isakhelistan

2. The Nation shall be located within the territory of Pakistan.

Section 2: Ideology and Date of Formation

1. The ideology of the Nation shall be Khizerkhelism, based on the principles of equality, justice, and Islamic teachings.

2. The Nation was formed on 15 april 2024, marking its official establishment.

Article II: Fundamental Principles[]

Section 1: Economic Principles

1. People shall work jobs according to their abilities, with access to basic necessities such as food, drink, and shelter guaranteed to all citizens.

2. Non-movable items, such as land, shall be owned by the government, while movable items, including cars and phones, shall be owned by citizens.

Section 2: Legal Principles

1. The Nation shall operate under Sharia law, with punishments for crimes based on individuals' holy books.

2. Freedom of religion shall be upheld, allowing individuals to practice their chosen faith without discrimination.

Section 3: Political Principles

1. The army shall not take part in politics, maintaining neutrality and focusing solely on defense.

2. Every citizen shall serve three years in the army, excluding training time, to contribute to the defense and security of the Nation.

Section 4: Social Principles

1. All individuals shall be considered equal before the law, regardless of gender, ethnicity, or social status.

2. The government shall prioritize the welfare and well-being of its citizens, promoting harmony and unity within society.

Article III: Amendment Process[]

Section 1: Amendment Proposal

1. Any proposed amendments to this Constitution must be submitted in writing to the designated authority.

Section 2: Amendment Ratification

1. Proposed amendments shall be ratified by a two-thirds majority vote in the National Assembly.

2. Once ratified, amendments shall become integral parts of this Constitution.

Article IV: Supremacy of the Constitution

This Constitution shall be the supreme law of the United Islamic Khizerkhelist Nation, binding upon all citizens, government officials, and institutions within its jurisdiction.

Done on this day, 15 April 2024, in the city of Khizeristan,Khizerkhelist Sultanate e Isakhelistan

Khizer Usmaan
