Hello. You have info in the 1st comment. I am on mobile at the moment so the editor is a bit bad... so it would make my day if I was added on!
HRH King Miles I of Northway.
Why are you commenting on this a year and 3 quarters after the last response?
I was out for about a month and another vandal has occurred? You need to hire people who you trust.Vandals happen on here because of fake trust and lying.
HRH Grand Duke Miles I of The 4th Northwayan republic
Sorry, so where do I post requests? Sorry if I am annoying you.
Hello. You have info in the 1st comment. I am on mobile at the moment so the editor is a bit bad... so it would make my day if I was added on!
HRH King Miles I of Northway.
Oh sorry, I see there is no space for me at the moment. Hopefully there will be in the future! PS:Work on a application form
Where do I apply for admin? I would make a great fit and would help this fledging community even better. Yours truly, King Miles I of Northway.
Could I join my country’s name is Northway. Please let me get in. Yours truly, King Miles I of Northway
Its capital is Milil
population is around 540
Founded in 2017
Region: Europe